Whether experienced or novice, we all hit obstacles in certain areas that leave us perplexed, and sometimes demotivated. Obstacles could be tension issues, dealing with selvedges, too much/too little twist, slippery fibres, etc. In this meeting we will come together to help each other overcome these obstacles and become better weavers and spinners. Please come with questions you’ve been meaning to ask, and if possible, maybe a project where you faced challenges and a story of how you overcame them. We want everyone to participate, regardless of your proficiency!
The TGSW will be at Family Day at Riverdale Farm with weaving and spinning demonstrations and hands-on activities again this year from 9-5 in the Meeting House! We hope to see you there. The Guild will be demonstrating spinning and weaving in the Meeting house from 10-3.
Every year the Guild volunteers at the Farm to demonstrate fibre preparation, spinning and weaving, as well as encourage vistors to try their hand at these. We ask members to sign up for a morning shift (9:30 – 12:30), an afternoon shift (12:15 – 3:30), or both! Please check out the sign-up sheet to see what volunteer roles we’re trying to fill. Don’t think that you have to be an expert – even absolute beginners can be valuable volunteers at the event, and will learn a great deal in the process
Demonstrating the journey from fleece to fabric is very rewarding. Not only is it a great way to interact with the public and educate, it is also a tremendous way to get to know fellow Guild members better.
This is also an opportunity to show our work. Mike will be organizing a display of member projects and educational material. Please feel free to bring garments you made, skeins you spun, things you dyed, or other textiles to add to our display. Please don’t worry that your pieces aren’t “up to par”. While textiles made with highly skilled hands are awe-inspiring, everyone is on their own path. For the public, seeing a range of beauty from all skill levels makes the Guild more accessible to those who are newer to our crafts and are considering joining and further pursuing their textile adventures.
MONTHLY GUILD MEETINGS Beginning April 2023 we will resume holding in-person meetings at Riverdale Farm. We will continue to hold some meetings virtually. Our Member’s Meetings are held from September-June, with a break for the summer. Check out the Calendar for up-to-date information. If you are interested in spinning or weaving, you are welcome to join us as a guest at one of our monthly meetings. When: 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7:30 – 9:00 pm for in-person meetings; 7:00 – 8:30 pm for virtual meetings Where: In-person meetings are held in the Meeting House at Riverdale Farm- come in the gate and keep going past the sheep.
The Guild generally participates in the following Riverdale Farm events , demonstrating fibre processing, spinning, weaving, and other textile skills to the public. After a hiatus during the pandemic, we look forward to resuming these events this Spring.
FAMILY DAY Riverdale Farm is a great place to spend Family Day, with lots of fun activities taking place, including weaving and spinning demonstrations and activities that the whole family can enjoy.
SHEEP CELEBRATION Riverdale Farm opens its doors with the farm’s popular Spring Festival at which Guild members use the fleece shorn from the farm sheep to demonstrate the skills needed to wash the wool, prepare it for spinning, make yarn, dye it, and weave it into cloth. Come and watch the process, from sheep shearing on!
FALL FESTIVALS See the Guild in action on the second weekend in September at the Riverdale Farm Fall Festival, and at the Cabbagetown Festival too!