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It’s Member Renewal Time!

Membership in the Toronto Guild of Spinners and Weavers runs from September-June. Join or Renew now to get the most out of your membership this year!

Payments through our member form are processed by Paypal. You do not need a Paypal account to purchase your membership. Please email us if you have any issues signing up for membership through the form!

Alternately, you can download the form available here and include your membership fee as a cheque to the address listed.

If the online form or download is not working for you and you would like an alternate method of joining, please send us an email!


  • Monthly meetings on the second Wednesday evening of each month, with speakers, Show and Tell, announcements, and social time (See the Calendar for details.)
  • Twice monthly e-blasts (in addition to the public newsletter)
  • Use of guild equipment
  • Access to our online resources and to the Guild Library
  • Workshops and activities
  • Excursions
  • Bulk purchasing opportunities
  • Fellowship with fibre-artists and craftspeople
  • Opportunity to apply to our yearly Bursary
  • Discount at selected suppliers
  • Volunteer Opportunities

Ontario Handweavers & Spinners (OHS) is a not-for-profit organization that brings together a community of spinners, weavers and fibre enthusiasts from across the Province of Ontario, throughout Canada, and in other countries. The Toronto Guild of Spinners and Weavers has a guild membership with OHS, which brings benefits such as an annual subscription to their quarterly magazine, Fibre Focus, eligibility for scholarships and awards, insurance, access to the lending library, and frequent news and updates. Visit the OHS membership page for more information.

Many Guild members have purchased individual OHS memberships, which offer additional benefits including access to world-class education programs and invitations to virtual and in-person workshops, conferences and seminars throughout the year.


Members of the Toronto Guild are involved in:

  • Hosting weekly Textile Drop-ins at Riverdale Farm
  • Demonstrating on the Jacquard loom at the Ontario Science Centre
  • Participating in Riverdale Farm Festivals
  • Public demonstrations  
  • Demonstrating at the Canadian Sewing and Needlework Festival
  • Public demonstrations