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September meeting: Wild Fibers from North to South, with Linda Cortright

2020/09/09 19:00 - 21:00

With the ongoing restrictions on in-person gatherings, we are planning remote meetings for the remainder of the year. This has the unanticipated benefit of allowing us to engage speakers from outside our usual geographic area. To kick off the 2020-2021 season, we are thrilled that Linda Cortright accepted our invitation. She will be joining us from the USA’s east coast.

This meeting is open to members and invited guests. The Zoom log-in codes will be emailed out one week before the meeting.

Wild Fibers from North to South

Take a cyber tour with Wild Fibers editor Linda Cortright as she travels from Wrangel Island in the Russian Arctic, to the islands of Antarctica, exploring history of seal wool and qiviut.

Frequently referred to as “the National Geographic of Fibers,” Wild Fibers offers an extraordinary blend of photography, culture, travel, and natural fibre. Its mission is to understand and promote the role natural fibers play throughout the world, specifically highlighting developing countries. “We are as devoted to the people who spin, weave, and create “magic” with fibre, as we are to the farmers, nomads, and shepherds who have tended these valuable animals since the dawn of time,” Cortright says.

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